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How is your foundation?

In these days of turmoil and trials we all need a firm foundation for our lives. Jesus showed His disciples that He was the rock on which His church would be built (Matt 16:18). He said that if we built our lives on the rock of His Words we would withstand all the storms of life (Matt 7:24-25).
The apostle Paul taught us that the only true foundation is Jesus Christ (1 Cor 3:11). He also emphasized that for himself, he considered everything in his past as rubbish (KJV uses the word dung) compared to knowing Christ (Phil 3:7-8). He exhorted us to be: "grounded and steadfast", in our faith in Jesus (Col 1:23; NKJV). Paul further wrote: "Let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly" (Col 3:16; NKJV). As we immerse ourselves in God's Word it will change us to be more like Him, we will learn how He wants to bless us (Ps 1:1-3), protect us (Ps 3:3) and how He wants us to shine as lights for Him (Matt 5:16).

Be Holy!

"Because it is written, "Be holy, for I am holy"" (1 Peter 1:16; NKJV). The apostle Peter quotes God giving instructions to His people Israel. We should strive to be holy (Hebrews 12:14) as we are the temple of God. His Holy Spirit lives in each one of us as Christians (1 Cor 3:16-17). So what does it mean to be holy? Well, it is to be sinless, upright, pure, full of integrity or simply put, to be just like God! Sounds a like tall order! However, pursuing holiness will bring us into intimacy with God (Ps 15:1-2), His peace (Ps 119:165) and blessings (John 10:10).
We are to cleanse ourselves of the sinful ways that characterized our lives before we gave our lives to Christ (2 Tim 2:20-21). So how do we do that? As we see more about God and His plans for us in His Word, the Holy Spirit will transform us into the picture we see (2 Cor 3:18). Be patient, this Christian walk is a journey and even the apostle Paul said he had not attained or apprehended all God had for Him but he pressed on (Phil 3:12-14). Be encouraged, press on the rewards are amazing!

Christian Living.

Christian living is so easy and straightforward but we tend to make it complicated or perhaps modify it to suite our own idea's and plans. All we really need to do is just follow what we read in our Bible.
Lets look at Romans 12:9-13. In this passage we are told to love sincerely and unconditionally with tender, brotherly/sisterly affection. This includes honoring each other, putting others first, being hospitable and meeting the needs of others. Well, that's pretty straight forward so far. As Christians' we should focus on that which is good, hate evil and be on-fire in serving God. That's clear! We are exhorted to keep our focus on all God has for us (we can find all of that in His Word), with patience, especially when faced with pressures and opposition, praying always. Got it, let's do it! Amen.