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God wants us to walk in the opposite to pride which is humility. Therefore, he has given us many scriptures on pride to help us guard against it. The sin that caused lucifer to be cast down from heaven was pride (Isa 14:12-17). He wanted to be higher than God. But did you know that it was pride that so enraged God against Sodom. We read about it in Ezekiel 16:49,50; the first sin listed is pride, “They were haughty and committed abominable offenses before Me” (Ezek 16:50a; AMPC). God hates pride, “I hate arrogant pride, evil conduct and perverse speech” (Prov 8:13; CSB). (See also Psalm 101:5; Prov 16:5). In Proverbs 6:16,17 there are 6 things listed which God hates, the first is pride. In the book of Proverbs, we see some of the results of pride. “When arrogance comes, disgrace follows” (Prov 11:2; CSB). “Pride comes before destruction” (Prov 16:18; CSB). “Haughtiness comes before disaster” (Prov 18:12; AMPC). “A man’s pride will bring him low” (Prov 29:33; NKJV).
In the New Testament we are taught how to avoid pride, for example, “Do not be haughty…. never overestimate yourself or be wise in your own conceit” (Rom 12:16; AMPC). (See also 1 Cor 13:4; James 4:10). Philippians 2:5 sums it all up for us, “Let this same attitude and purpose and (humble) mind be in you which was in Christ Jesus: (Let Him be your example in humility)” (AMPC). It behooves us all to pray and ask God to help us root out and keep out all pride from our lives. God hates it and so must we!

The Sower and the Seed

We are all familiar with the parable of the sower (Matt 13:8-12; Mark 4:3-9, 16-20; Luke 8:4-8,11-15) and often we skim over it, let’s pause and meditate! A Sower sowed good seed, some fell on the path and the birds pecked it up. Some landed on a rocky area with thin soil where it got toasted by the sun. The plants growing from good seed but surrounded with weeds failed to produce a harvest. However, some good seed enjoyed deep, rich soil and produced an abundant harvest. The good seed is God’s word. The various types of soil are people. The good seed landing on the path describes people who hear the word but it goes in one ear and out the other; satan keeps them from understanding. The thin soil people hear the word and get excited about it but don’t go home and build a foundation on God’s word. When they encounter criticism and persecution for their beliefs or face trials and tribulations they stumble and lose focus on the word. The people represented by weedy soil are those distracted by life’s demands, pleasures, riches and the desire for things other than God. These all prevent growth into a productive Christian life. Finally, and happily, there are Christian folk who receive God’s word, meditate on it and make it a priority; these are the people where the good seed found good soil. These people grow into mature Christians, ambassadors for Jesus. Let’s pray we all grow into this last category, on fire for God, lights shining brightly in the world around us.


The phrase, “It is by grace you are saved” is found twice in Ephesians chapter 2. Grace or charis (Greek) is a hard word to define but in a nutshell it is the kindness and favour of God which we don’t deserve but He showers on us anyway. Some people think they can earn God’s grace by doing good works but it doesn’t work that way, God’s grace isn’t earned, it is freely given. “For by grace you have been saved through faith, and this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God” (Eph 2:8; ESV). (See also Rom 6:14; 11:6). The apostle Paul had a lot of revelation on the subject of grace. When he was asking God to remove “the thorn in his flesh”, God told him, “My grace (My favour and loving kindness and mercy) is enough for you” (2 Cor 12:9; AMPC). This applies to us too, when we are dealing with “thorns” God’s grace is still sufficient.
Many of the letters written by the apostles begin with the greeting of “grace and peace be yours” (2 Peter 1:2). (See also 1 Tim 1:2; 2 Tim 1:2). The Bible also tells us that God will cause His grace to abound to us (2 Cor 9:8; Rom 5:17). Because God has shown great grace to us, we must in turn show grace to others by being forgiving, loving when taxed and speaking kind words; it is God’s grace that helps us to do this, so we need to pray for God’s grace to help us every day.
“May grace and perfect peace cascade over you” (2 Peter 1:2; TPT).

Don’t judge

“Judge not, that you be not judged” (Matt 7:1; NKJV). Jesus cautions us to avoid judging and condemning others for faults we may perceive they have. None of us are perfect and we should consider our own faults before we criticize others (Matt 7:3). We are not to speak evil of anyone (Titus 3:2; James 4:11). God is the ultimate judge not us (2 Cor 5:10).
However, within the church there will be situations where we are to judge and discipline (1 Cor 5:12). Jesus gave us clear direction for dealing with someone who has done us wrong (Matt 18:15-17). Firstly, we go to them ourselves, if we can’t bring resolution, we ask one or two others to help settle things. As a last resort the church leadership should be involved to judge in the matter, discover the truth and decide on corrective discipline if justified. In all judgement the primary goals have to be forgiveness, reconciliation and restoration (Gal 6:1; James 5:19-20). If we don’t forgive, God cannot forgive us (Mark 11:26). Restoration needs to be approached in a “spirit of gentleness” or meekness (Gal 6:1; NKJV). Meekness is power under perfect control. The Scribes and Pharisees brought a woman caught in adultery to Jesus (John 8:3-11). She could have been stoned for her sin but Jesus responded by saying, let him that has no sin throw the first rock. None did and Jesus didn’t condemn her but simply told her to sin no more. No judgementalism, just compassion, forgiveness, integrity, discipline and restoration.


Kindness is part of love, “Love endures long and is patient and kind” (1 Cor 13:4; AMPC). It is also a fruit of the Spirit (Gal 5:22). God is love (1 John 4:16) and He is kind. The Psalms talk a great deal about the lovingkindness of God. “O give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; for His mercy and lovingkindness endure forever” (Ps 136:1; AMPC). The second half of that sentence is repeated in every verse of all 26 verses in that Psalm!
In the Old Testament we read about the kindness of Boaz to Ruth (Ruth 2:5-23). In the New Testament Jesus told the parable of the Good Samaritan in Luke 10:30-37. I’m sure we are all familiar with that story, the point being that the Samaritan, from a race hated by the Jews, was the only one who “did the kindness with him” (Luke 10:37; YLT). Jesus followed those words with these, “Go and do likewise.” In Acts 9:36 we read about Dorcas, who was, “always doing kind things for others and helping the poor” (NLT). Eph 4:32 tells us to “be kind to one another” and Col 3:12 tells us to clothe ourselves with a number of things, one of which is kindness.
Did you know there is a week in the year called Random Acts of Kindness week? Next year it is the week from February 14-20, 2025. What a great idea! I don’t know about you but my goal is to make every week a Random Act of Kindness week!