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Enjoy God's Fellowship Today

God made us in His own image to enjoy and have dominion over the earth (Gen 1:26). His desire was to have beings like Him that He could fellowship with (Gen 3:8-9) and through which His nature and character could be conveyed to His creation.

I love the picture created by Genesis 3:8, where God came to the garden in the cool of the day to fellowship with Adam and Eve. This is a picture of peace, love and fellowship; where everything is well and in harmony. God’s desire is still to fellowship with men and women (1John 1:3).

Sin broke this fellowship and separated us from God (Isa 59:1-9). Only in our repenting of sin, receiving forgiveness and asking Jesus into our lives as Lord and Saviour (Acts 3:19; Rom 10:9-10; AMP) can that fellowship be restored.

As Christians, God dwells in us (Gal 2:20), He wants to transform us to be more like Him (Ro 12:2), to bless us (John10:10) and to shine though us to a dead and decaying world (Matt 5:14-16).

All we have to do is to surrender our lives to Him and allow Him to mold us and change us (2 Cor 3:18). As we rest in Him (Matt 11:28-30) and spend time with Him in His word, fellowship and prayer, His power will transform us (Rom 8:11). We can become more like Him each day if we will only just take the time!

 Enjoy God's Fellowship Today

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