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God Wants to Change You

So many who claim to be Christians these days live non-transformed, powerless lives that do not differ much from those of non-Christians (2 Tim 3:5). Why is this? In Acts 1:8 we read that we will receive power when we are baptized in the Holy Spirit. The apostle Peter wrote that in Christ, his power has given us: “all things that pertain unto life and godliness” (KJV), access to all his promises and the power to change to be more like Christ (2 Peter 1:3-4).

It is God who works in us to do his will (Phil 2:13). We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us (Phil 4:13) and God will complete the work of transformation that he began in us (Phil 1:6) at salvation.

The answers to our question as to why so many Christians do not change and grow in their Christian walk is given in our passage above from the apostle Peter’s second epistle. The power to change, grow and receive comes from truly knowing Christ (the word) and his promises and receiving the Holy Spirit to saturate our lives (John 8:32; Acts 1:8).

We know Jesus by pressing into his word and allowing the Holy Spirit to bring us revelation (John 14:26). As we receive revelation of and faith in his word, then the power of God is released to bring change and to allow the word to work in our lives. However, we have to do our part and that is to give God and his word first place (time) in our lives and our days.  I can guarantee you that the results are wonderful. Cozy up to God in his word today and let him envelope you.

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