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Hebrews 12:1-3

This is one of my favourite sections of scripture. In verse 1 we are exhorted to close our eyes and think of all those amazing people in the Bible who have gone before us and achieved great things in faith. Think of Moses who led the whole nation of Israel out of Egypt, parting a sea on the way (Ex 12:50-14:31). Reflect on Abraham, King David, Gideon and so many more (Gen; 1 Sam; 2 Sam; Judges 6-8). In the New Testament, we read how the apostle Paul preached about Jesus across Asia and into Europe with signs, wonders and miracles (Acts 9:20-31; 12:25-14:28; 15:36-28:31). These should fire up our faith to be able to lay aside everything that gets in the way of our relationship with Jesus. Our Christian life is a race, a life of growing to be more like Jesus and being used by Him to change the world around us.
In verse 2 we are challenged to keep focused on Jesus. He, through His life, death and resurrection gave us faith to embrace Christianity. Through the words of Jesus, our faith can grow to maturity (Rom 10:17). We need to consider the ultimate example of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ! He saw with joy beyond the cross to the results of His sacrifice; He saw you and me and millions of others – saved, restored and in fellowship with God for all of eternity.
In verse 3 we are challenged that when we get weary and discouraged with the opposition we may face as Christians we should stop and consider the hostility Jesus had to face on earth. Just remember that like Jesus our final destination is with God in heaven. That should spur us all on, amen?

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