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Plead the Blood

When we first started attending a Spirit filled church, we often heard people using the words, “plead the blood.” At first, I didn’t know what it meant and thought it was spiritual lingo. However, over the years I have come to more of an understanding of what this means.
In Exodus 12 we read about the instructions that God gave the children of Israel through Moses. Moses had just announced the last plague to Pharoah, that all the firstborn children would die that night but God told Moses how to protect His people. Verses 3-5 tell us that they had to sacrifice a perfect lamb and then in verse 7, to put some of its blood on the door frames of their houses so that God would pass over them and protect them.
This points to the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross, the spotless lamb of God, whose blood was shed for our salvation. The word salvation includes protection, so every time we need protection, we can “plead the blood of Jesus.” It simply means applying the effects of the blood of Jesus over our loved ones, homes, vehicles etc. We do it in faith, believing in the power of the blood.
“They overcame him (satan) because of the blood of the lamb and because of the word of their testimony.” (Rev 12:11 AMP).

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