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The Mercy of God

“He saved us not because of any works of righteousness that we had done, but because of His own pity and mercy” (Titus 3:5 AMPC). Where would we be without the mercy of God? It is the mercy of God that gives us forgiveness of sin. The Greek word for mercy is “eleos”; it means compassion, feeling sympathy for someone but also doing something about it. Jesus was moved with compassion to feed the thousands and heal the sick as we read in the gospels, “but when He saw the multitudes, He was moved with compassion for them…” (Matt 9:36; NKJV).
However, Jesus wants us to be merciful too, “I desire mercy and not sacrifice” (Matt 9:3; NKJV). Jesus quoted this from Hosea 6:6 in the Old Testament. In other words, God is more interested in us showing mercy and compassion towards others than doing religious performance which does not come from the heart. As we have received so much mercy from God, the least we can do is share that with others.
I’m sure you are familiar with the story of the Good Samaritan in Luke 10:29-37. It is a great example of someone showing mercy to others. Jesus said “Go and constantly do the same” (Luke 10:37; AMP). Enough said!
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