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The Word is Working

“The word of God which is effectually at work in you who believe (exercising it’s superhuman power in those who adhere to and trust in and rely on it” (1 Thess 2:13; AMPC).
“For the word that God speaks is alive and full of power making it active, operative, energizing and effective” (Heb 4:12; AMPC).
Wow! These verses are telling us that God’s word will produce change and bring results in our lives. It will do that regardless of our circumstances and whether we feel like it is or not. However, as we read in the first verse, we have a part to play. We need to trust and rely on the word; in other words, we need to spend time in it and put it into practice.
Proverbs 4:20-22 give us some important instructions regarding this topic. These verses tell us that we need to listen to the word, read it and also put it in our heart, (in other words, meditate on it); that means investing serious time into our Bible reading. If we do that then God will do the work of causing it to change us.

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