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God is Speaking to You, Listen.

Ever been frustrated about knowing what to do or which way to turn? Come on, be honest. God is interested in every detail of our lives and will guide and direct us if we let Him.

In Psalm 119:105 (KJV) it says: “thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path”. In Proverbs 3:5-6 it is written: “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths”.

God will speak to us as we prayerfully study His Word; He will make scripture jump of the page for us. He speaks to us in many other ways but mostly by that still small voice in our spirit that Elijah heard (1Kings 19:12).

James 3:17 says that Gods wisdom (guidance) is first of all pure and then peaceable, it has to be in line with His Word and leaves us with a sense of peace and assurance that God has spoken to us. James 1:5 directs us to ask of God if we need His wisdom (guidance). He will answer, it may not be in our prayer time, it could be in the shower, when our mind is not as busy.

His word of direction will come with that assurance, that sense of peace; it may not make sense to our mind but it will line up with His Word. Write it down; if it’s God, He will confirm it for you, mainly by the methods above or through a word of prophesy or Godly counsellors. God loves you and has good plans for you; He longs to hear from you and speak to you, we just need to still ourselves and listen.

Give God time today and listen.

Please watch the promotional video for our book: “On the Way: Basic Christian Training”, which you can find at our web site:              

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